Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Going for a walk...

Even though it's winter, we try to go for a family walk whenever we have a day off so we can get outdoors and see what's around our house.  Here's a few pictures of our last 3.

I know we didn't get as much snow as those of you that live in New England, but we had a pretty cool ice effect where we woke up and everything had ice crystals on it, shaped like little leaves.  It was nice looking and everything was covered in white.  The only thing was that it flaked right off like soft snow if you touched it...it was pretty cool...not hard like the iced-over branches I always knew in Massachusetts.

Collin and I...leaving our street in Obereichenbach.

Gorgeous trees...

This one makes a cool desktop background...

Collin had a "moment" and had some big elephant tears.  He actually got so bad that we had to go home and let him take a nap which he doesn't usually do these days.  No clue what was wrong with that boy.

After his nap, we tried going for a walk again....it was much better this time and he had a blast.  I told him he could lick the snow off the plants, so he did...and I think he licked EVERY plant in the field until we told him we needed to pick up the pace a bit. 

There was a cool treestand built along the edge of the field and the woods.  I assume it was to shoot deer during hunting season...but not sure.  It seems like there's one of these along every field.

Our next walk was halfway between here and the town that we lived in temporarily, Bruckberg.  There's a cute little village up on a hill, so we parked and walked up there.  I forget the name of it, but I think it's Reckersdorf or something like that...it's only got about 12 houses in it and reminds me of a medieval town. 

My girl Gunner Mae, still as beautiful as ever

Collin was proud he climbed his little hill

On New Years Eve, we went for a walk down by a lake towards Munich.  We were on our way to an early dinner so we were dressed up and decided to try to take a family picture (minus Gunner). 

This one had a questionable background...

Collin....cute no matter what.

Collin and Mommy

Finally...one that we think came out pretty good. 

Thanks for reading and happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to preserve for posterity, and keep your memories alive! I'm so taken with the idea that you have come up with in such a way to share your family experiences.. You have chosen wonderful and amazing pictures that really bring out a sense of what was happening at the moment! You convey your thoughts and feelings with genuine authenticity .. I love the fact that you sequence your pictures, as if the story is one the reader can take the ride or the walk with you and understand the experience. You, your Beautiful wife, Malisa, and all your children and they're children will cherish this blog, nay, this printed picturesque keepsake for many, many generations. It's beautiful, I love it, and I can't wait to see every single detail you post. Thank You, Jim, for taking the time to let us share your world. I can't imagine a more powerful gift! I love you, your Mom.
