This is a repost of a blog originally posted on May 7th, 2007 that appeared on the social media website Myspace.
Well, it was the 2nd day of our vacation and we got up early and hit the gym...yes, you read that correctly. We went to the gym downstairs, ran a couple miles on the treadmill and then did arms before finishing up with an ab workout.
After that, we grabbed some breakfast, snatched up our snorkeling gear and headed out to Hanauma Bay, which we heard was the best place to start snorkeling.
Hanauma Bay is this picturesque little bay that is protected from the sea by these two big volanic arms that come out and hug it. The water there is very clear and it's a great place to see a lot of different fish and some sea turtles if you're lucky....which we weren't. We saw some fish, but no turtles. Despite that, the beach was wonderful and the view was great!
So those are some great pictures of Hanauma Bay...I didn't take the very 1st one...I stole it from google because I wanted you to see the panoramic view of the entire bay. Here's Malisa and I, ready to go snorkeling...we took some pictures of fish underwater...but they're weren't digital and had to be develeloped. I'll add them later by taking a picture-of-a-picture kinda thing.
And below are just some pictures of the beach on Hanauma Bay. It was weird because I had just left Korea and yet all I saw were Koreans, haha. I guess they just wanted to make my transistion a little easier.
Oh yeah....this guy. Old boy was chillin on the beach, snuggled up to his honey and he kept popping wood. Getting a chubby, a hard on....whatever your preferred term is. Kinda strange, but photo-worthy every time. I even drew a red arrow to help you see. :)
Then we got back to the room in the late afternoon and lounged around for a little bit, getting showered and cleaned up to go out to a Polynesian Review.
We bought our tickets to this thing and knew that we'd be sharing our table with another couple, but of course we had no idea who it would be. When we showed up for dinner, we saw that there were already 2 ticket stubs at the table, so we knew they were there somewhere. As we got in line for our food, we were studying everybody closely, trying to guess. We were relieved more than a few times as people headed to other tables. We finally got our food (which was delicious!) and headed back to the table to see these ladies sitting there...
Their names were Toni and Maryann and they were both widowers from California. They were very friendly, but we got a little bit spooked at first because when Toni asked what I did for a living and I told her that I was a PA in the army, she started crying and thanking me for my service. I'm used to people saying "Thanks for serving!", but I've never seen anybody cry before...after that though (and a couple Mai Tai's), everything was fine and we had a great time. That is.....until....
The show began and there were about 5 beautiful Hawaiian girls that were dancing and performing, hula dancing and playing the Ukalele and signing. Partway through the show, the lights went down and the girls scattered from the stage, going out into the crowd...seeking...victims. I was marked for embarrasment apparently and was led by the hand up to the stage, along with 4 other poor guys. They put a flowery lei on our heads, tied a grass necklace around our neck and finally put a grass skirt on us. This part wasn't so bad. Then, suddenly they had us all turn away from the crowd and face the girls. Then, with an innocent smile, my girl says "Just do what I do, it's easy!" and starts shaking her hips with precision and speed. I started to shake my own ass, but it was an undextrous attempt at best, although I later learned that I was the best out of the poor suckers there, attested by the fact that many old people came up to me afterwards and congratulated me, further embarassing me. Even Malisa said "Honey, you were so GOOD." But of course, she has to say that. Here are some pictures of the girls and me getting embarassed...they're a bit blurry, but you'll get the general idea.
Here I am right when I got offstage...embarrassed!!
Malisa and I posing. I'm still wearing the Lei and necklace that they gave me, and Malisa's wearing the one I gave her at the airport. We went out that night like that, and because it's Hawaii, didn't even get a strange look. Aloha!
And lastly, here's the picture that they take of you and then want to sell you while you're at dinner. Yup...we bought it.
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