Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Fires Brigade Medic BBQ

This is a repost of a blog that originally appeared on May 1st, 2007.

What a great BBQ we had!!!  Most of the Fires Brigade (1/38 FA, 6/37 FA, HHB and 702nd) Medics showed up for this good time...

I'm not sure there was really a "reason" for the event, but there were a couple of us that were going away,
(I left 2 days afterward and am typing this, comfortably drunk, from my balcony in Hawaii, looking out at the ocean and the rising full moon.  There's a warm, salty breeze coming in and it smells so good.  I have no shirt on and got just the right amount of sun today.  I have a Mai Tai next to me, with a little bit of extra Captain Morgan added to it because that's how I roll...the ice is melting and there's condensation running down the side of the glass...it wants to be picked up right now I think.  From down below the sound of Hawaiin music is drifting up to my ear and the ocean surf is crashing against the beach, adding it's unique percussion....anyway, I digress!)

Also, there was just a big FTX that several of the medics and Shelly were involved in, so it was just a good get together and Esprit de Corps of all the BDE medics.

D-Hawkins...if you send me the other pictures, then I'll add them!
Without further ado...here are some pics!!

Poor Ussery got the meat-spearing duty...but it was so good...we marinated it in that Montreal Spicy Steak rub for a few hours, delicious!

below...me getting the corn ready to be grilled...that was so good too!

We really had SOOO much food, we also went though 8 cases of beer, 2 bottles of Soju, 1 bottle of Captain Morgan and I saw some Jagermesiter floating around, but I didn't participate in that craziness....

It was a great way to say goodbye to everybody and put Korea in the rear view mirror.  :)

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